The indego 1200 connect works in the same manner as the standard indego completely independently within a pre defined lawn area. During the installation phase the lawn area is determined using the perimeter wire supplied. Get the bosch smart gardening app and try it out.
bosch indego 1200 connect

En pratique celle ci est legerement superieure mais dependra de la hauteur de lherbe de lhumidite presente sur votre pelouse ainsi que de la chaleur ambiante.
Bosch indego 1200 connect. 75 type of cutting blades. With the indego connect and bosch smart gardening app you have everything you need to manage your lawn remotely. From setting up a mowing schedule to browsing the accessories range your perfect lawn is just a few clicks away. Interchangeable blades knives cutting surface.
Bosch indego 1200 connect robot lawn mower full specifications. Bosch indego 1200 connect pdf user manuals. View online or download bosch indego 1200 connect original instructions manual. Bosch indego 1000 connect pdf user manuals.
Der bosch indego 1200 connect setzt sich von seiner konkurrenz durch sein innovatives mahprinzip ab. Anders als bei dem husqvarna automower oder auch dem gardena r70li kartografiert der roboter sein gelande um es dann systematisch bahn fur bahn wie es ein mensch tun wurde zu mahen. The indegos bosch designed logicut navigation system works using a combination of software and different sensors. View online or download bosch indego 1000 connect original instructions manual.
Pour cette bosch indego 1200 connect le constructeur annonce une autonomie de tonte de 50 60 minutes.